The Mission Of The Universalist Unitarian Church Of Santa Paula:
To Practice Inclusiveness, Seek Justice, And Foster Spirituality.

COVID-19 Response Updates

The church building Is now open to those fully masked and who are willing to socially distance. Services are also available on Zoom.

Welcome to Our Church

Nurture Your Spirit, Help Heal Our World.

We are a warm and friendly congregation. We welcome all who seek to find meaning in our busy lives, make connections with others and search for answers to life's big questions.

Upcoming Events

Our Congregation

Are you looking for a friendly home where you can explore the larger questions of life with those who bring many perspectives? Are you looking for a faith community that looks outward to the larger community to make a difference in the world? Are you looking for a place that you can share your gifts as well as your concerns and your interests? Would you like to find a place that has a Spiritual Growth Center so we can grow together in spirit and health? Would you like to be able to laugh and cry together, sing together and share our lives? We would love to welcome you to our small but mighty faith home.

Universalist Unitarian Church Of Santa Paula

About Unitarian Universalism

We are people of all ages, people of many backgrounds, and people of many beliefs. We are brave, curious and compassionate thinkers and doers. We create spirituality and community beyond boundaries, working for more justice and more love in our own lives and in the world.

Church of the Larger Fellowship
Unitarian Universalist Association
LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation
Pacific Western Region of the UUA
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee