Children’s Religious Exploration

We are currently revisioning our Faith Formation or Religious Exploration program in these post-COVID times.  A special part of each Sunday service is the “Time for All Ages” presented by the visiting speaker, the Worship Host or a member or friend of the congregation.


All Church Read

The UUA choses what they call a “Common Read” every year and we have read most of them. The 2024 Common Read was On Repentance and Repair by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg. The discussion happens monthly after coffee hour in the minister’s office and will resume in the fall.

Adult Curricula

We have had offerings from the Unitarian Universalist Association Tapestry of Faith Curricula as well as from other sources and Book Discussion Groups sponsored by our Caring Committee. These can be one-time, stand alone offerings such as Five Wishes or multi-part programs like Hindsight, Humor and Hope, Mindful Eating and more.

Five Wishes

Once or twice a year at the church or in the community we have offered a workshop on the end-of-life planning document “Five Wishes”. Five Wishes helps you express how you want to be treated if you are seriously ill and unable to speak for yourself. It is unique among all other living will and health agent forms because it speaks to all a person’s needs: medical, personal, emotional and spiritual. Five Wishes also helps structure discussions with your family and physician. It is also a great tool to focus discussions with aging relatives so that you know their wishes.

Spiritual Growth Center

See the separate tab for our Spiritual Growth Center for programs and activities for all ages which enhance Faith Exploration.