As UUs, we are inspired not just by religious sources but by the people with whom we journey: the diverse and spirited Unitarian Universalists. you don’t have to believe in God to be a UU, but you can if you want to. Our services are designed to be welcoming for all open-minded seekers, specifically including atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, humanists, the spiritual-but-not-religious, and “nones” (no religion). So, do not wonder if you are welcome here. You are.

Our worship services are at 10:30 am most Sundays, with other special services throughout the year. During services, you will find music, poetry, tradition, and words of comfort and challenge. Depending on the service, during this time of ministerial tranistion,  our many guest speakers will lead us in worship.

Elements of our typical Sunday morning worship service include:

  • Musical Prelude
  • Ringing the bell
  • Call to Worship/Opening words
  • Gathering Hymn
  • Lighting the Chalice
  • Welcome by the Worship Host
  • Opening Hymn
  • Time for all ages
  • Sharing of Joys, Sorrows and Milestones
  • Offertory
  • Prayer/Meditation
  • Musical Meditation
  • Sermon
  • Extinguishing the Chalice
  • Closing Hymn
  • Closing words/Benediction
  • Musical Postlude
Ringing of the Bell

Every Sunday morning at 10:30 am the sound of our church bells fill the air of downtown Santa Paula letting the people know that now is the time to come together to worship as a community.


Our church is alive with the sounds of music on Sunday morning to help heal the soul and to give us the strength and courage to live in peace and harmony with all of those around us. Our Church Musician is Vincent Sorisio who plays Preludes, Postludes and the Service Music on our Steinway grand piano or our Estey organ. From time to time we have visiting musicians and soloists.

Coffee Hour

Listen to the sounds of the chatter and laughter coming from the Parish Hall after the church service on Sunday morning where we get to know one another better, share community and share concerns for our community and the world.

Why We Gather

“…the singing, the sermons, the wonderful people.” – Anonymous

“I come to this church because it gives me a chance to listen to ideas that involve spirit and philosophy. I spend a lot of time by myself and this gives me a chance to change my perspective and temper ideas.” – Matt

“I love the community! All are welcomed. You can be a child, an adult, a senior and there is a place for you.” – Anonymous

“I started coming regularly because I got a lot of enlightening ‘nuggets’ from the minister’s sermons. Nuggets that changed some of the ways I thought about myself and dealt with life situations…and I continue to look forward to more personal growth and more clarity in my spiritual beliefs.” – Anonymous

“I am totally grateful for the loving support of this healing community.” – Margaret

“I have come to church these past many years to help me get along in life, it has helped…and I like the people here. This church is a part of me.” – Allan