June 14, 2020
Service: Give Us Pleasure in the Flowers
Day and Time
Sunday Jun 14, 10:30 AM - Saturday Jun 27, 11:13 AMDetails
What does Flower Communion look like on Zoom? Can you Zoom from your garden or bring a flower? How do we recognize our members, especially our newest members in this time of Coronavirus? Come and find out! Rev. Maddie Sifantus with Ken Stock, Worship Host assisted by Vincent Sorisio, Church Musician, and Yvette Sanchez, Time for All Ages. On Zoom and exported to our Facebook Live page at www.facebook.com/uucsp. The Zoom Room Meeting ID is 731 217 7775. To receive the Password, call the office at 805-525-4647 or the minister at 805-525-4620. All welcome. Followed by Zoom coffee hour for those who wish to stay. Pledges and donations can be mailed to UUCSP, 740 E Main Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060. Image by Lynn Holbein