August 23, 2020

Service: Who’s the Creator? with Nicholas Filzen and MaryBeth East

Day and Time
Sunday Aug 23, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

We’re all perpetually creating, whether it be art, justice, or life. We even create new ways of being in this world. Always becoming something new ourselves. Moment by moment. It’s the beautiful artform of living. An embodied jazz tune, with lots of improvisation. The question is, when we create, who is the creator? Are we doing it on our own? Who or what else might be involved? Like the greatest composers of Western classical music, from whom, if anyone, are we “borrowing” to make our masterpiece?

Nic is a Candidate for UU ministry who meets with the Ministerial Fellowship Committee in September. He and his family live in Santa Barbara where he is the former Intern for the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara.
Worship Host, MaryBeth East

Here is the link to Sunday’s service, Gathering, and all meetings and Meditation:
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