August 29, 2021

Service: Going for Bronze with Mathew P. Taylor and Kate English

Day and Time
Sunday Aug 29, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

August 29 Going for Bronze Mathew P. Taylor with Kate English, Worship Host
When Black Women reminded us that self-care is more important than that damn job
The Olympic games have just concluded and throughout this season of sports we were shown by three powerful black women what it means to choose ourselves and our mental health first. What would it mean to you if you chose yourself and your mental health first? How revolutionary would it be if we embraced this next normal which focused on our actual well-being instead of the bottom line for a business. Join us this Sunday for some reflection and questions for a deeper understanding.

Mathew P. Taylor, was born and raised in Sunny Southern California, has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Mathew is a queer, gender dynamic (pronouns: They/He), pro-black, Unitarian Universalist Pagan Seminarian. Mathew is an Intern Minister at the UU Congregation of Rockville in Maryland and is currently the lead lay Pastor of Covenant UU an emerging spiritual community, based in the Inland Empire. Mathew writes and preaches about the great what-ifs, and the paths to liberation for all people. Mathew was recently published in Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts. Mathew is called to a heart-led mystical ministry that highlights the intersection of Earth-based magickal practices and Unitarian Universalism.
UUs Back in the Day with Leslie Nichols PT Barnum

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