October 12, 2021

Gathering with Rev. Maddie, Atul Ranchod and Sahba Sizahkhani

Day and Time
Tuesday Oct 12, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

This is an in person and live streamed reflective time in our busy week to hear some beautiful music, share some silence and hear spoken word on a theme, which this month is Cultivating Relationships. Led by Rev. Maddie with poet Atul Ranchod. The music will be provided by Iranian musician Sahba Sizdahkhani who serves as a unique crossroad of East meets West. Inspired heavily by 1960’s free-jazz and Persian Traditional Music, he constantly channels the fire-energy and longing for connectivity that these two stormy histories represent.

Free, but with a free will offering to compensate our Gathering musicians. Donations can be mailed as a check made out to UUCSP with Gathering in the memo line and sent to UUCSP 740 E Main Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060.
Gathering will be in person for fully vaccinated, masked and socially distanced persons.
It will also be available on Facebook from the UUCSP page and on Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 731 217 7775 Password uucsp93060
+1 253 215 8782 (to call in by phone) ~ phone password 529593