Day and Time
Monday Jan 2, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PMDetails
MONDAY’S 6pm – 7pm
The birth of a New Year guided by aspirations of our Hearts and Souls for a better world is the doorway into the Land of Hope. After all the struggles of trying to make our life work through the power of the ego we finally turn towards the call of the Soul and step by step cross the threshold into the wisdom of the Heart -into Hope. Some call this a leap of faith and so it is because we are asked to believe in a world that is influenced by what is for many of us invisible, a fantasy, make believe, childish, frightening and unreal. And so with courage (a characteristic of the Heart) we seek to live in the same time and place, the same world and earth with a new orientation -we now live in the Land of Hope.
Who are the natural inhabitants or natives of the Land of Hope? The ancients called then the “Spirits”. They inspire us as artists, poets, scientists, mystics and healers. These Spirits go by many names: Angels, Ancestors, Fairies, Pixies, Goddesses’, Gods, Jinns, Saints, and Devas. Every culture recognizes their presences and have stories, myths, fairytales and legends of their influence.
What is the path to the Land of Hope? It is illuminated before you as you follow the voice of your Heart – its wisdom, courage and comfort. You are never alone in the Heart, for the Spirits stand with you always and the power of the Heart is rooted in Soul. The Land of Hope goes by many names: Shambhala, Shangri-La, Camelot, Avalon and our home -Earth.
Please join our community for an hour-long class of a guided meditation and discussion. This gathering is held weekly and is in person in the Parish Hall. Cost is $10.00. Please contact Corrine if you have any question at or 661-7556105