Engaging Our Tradition: New UU

Day and Time
Sunday Jan 15, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PMDetails
Grab a cup of coffee and come to Rev. Maddie's office.
Are you new to Unitarian Universalism? Do you want to know more how things work around here and the history of our building and congregation? Please join Rev. Maddie and others in her office after our service and coffee hour at 11:45 AM on Sunday, January 15th for casual introduction to engaging Unitarian Universalism and the Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula. Hear about our history as a congregation and how it fits into the larger movement of Unitarian Universalism. Bring your questions about how we do things around here. Who makes decisions? What about Social Justice? What about Faith Formation? Who is the Caring Committee or the Committee on Congregational Life? Inquiring minds want to know. Please come if you have been around the place for a while or if it is your first day in the door.