March 5, 2023

Service: Ecotones with Michael Eselun

Day and Time
Sunday Mar 5, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Michael Eselun, UCLA oncology chaplain and popular guest speaker, will explore those liminal spaces in which we sometimes find ourselves on life’s mysterious journey--- thresholds that are neither one reality or another, and yet may open a path to our deepest truths. Possibly even the sacred.

Michael Eselun, serves as the chaplain for the Simms/Mann‐UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology. Two-time TED-X speaker, Michael speaks extensively to healthcare professionals, patient populations and faith communities across the country. He’s also worked as an activist/educator addressing anti-LGBTQ bias in the larger community for over 30 years.  Michael was recently inducted into the UCLA-Semel Institute Eudaimonia Society, in recognition of having lived a meaning-driven life.  He has 4 volumes of CD’s available for purchase—contact Michael through his
Worship Host, Ruth Ricards
First Sunday Plate to the Isabella Project of Santa Paula

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