Service: How We Fight for Justice with Rev. Everett Howe and MaryBeth East

Day and Time
Sunday Sep 24, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AMDetails
Throughout our history, Unitarian Universalists and our spiritual ancestors have fought for justice, sometimes by building bridges across divisions and sometimes through direct conflict. In this service we’ll explore the tension between these two approaches to how a “gentle, angry people” can build beloved community in the face of oppression.
Everett Howe (he/him) is a UU minister based in San Diego. Rev. Howe continues to spend half his time with his first calling: research mathematics. He and his wife Isabella Furth have been members of the First UU Church of San Diego since 2005.
MaryBeth East, Worship Host
UUs of Our Past shared by Leslie Nichols
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