Twilight Gathering featuring Kevin Fox

Day and Time
Tuesday Nov 14, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PMDetails
Maddie Sifantus announces the monthly Twilight Gathering with Sound, Silence and Word in person at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula on Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula, 740 E Main Street, Santa Paula. Gathering also continues on Zoom.
Gathering is a reflective time open to all to hear some beautiful music, share some silence and hear spoken word. Atul Ranchod will share original poetry. We are excited that pianist Kevin Fox will be providing the music. We have missed him at the Glen Tavern Inn lobby from the days before the pandemic. Pianist Kevin Fox began playing professionally in 1984, performing at restaurants and hotels in Ventura County, California. In 1986, he began performing on cruise ships. In 1990, Kevin moved to New York City. For nearly 20 years, he performed at many of New York's finest hotels, restaurants, and clubs. In 2009, Kevin returned to California where he continues to perform throughout Southern California and the Central Coast. He is the Music Director of the Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Goleta.
Gatherings are supported by a free will offering in the Sanctuary to compensate our Gathering musicians or a check can be mailed to UUCSP, 740 E Main Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060 with Gathering in the memo line Donations can also be made from the church’s website For more information call the church office at 805-525-4647 or email
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Password uucsp93060