April 26, 2020

Service: One Nation, Under Goddess

Day and Time
Sunday Apr 26, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Ruth Ricards will share her story about living in a society where she feels it is more acceptable to refer to a masculine spiritual energy than a feminine one. Now, more than ever, we need to bring Mother God back into our hearts to help save this precious planet of ours. Is there a silver lining to this pandemic? What is Our Mother so desperately trying to tell us? Leslie Nichols were share one of her UUs Back in the Day stories.
Join Ruth Ricards, Worship Host Pat English
Time for All Ages with Yvette Sanchez
Vincent Sorisio, Church Musician
Erik Halseth, technical advisor
Followed by Zoom coffee hour

Our Services now take place on Zoom. If you need the Meeting ID and password, please call or email the church office by 4 PM on Friday at 805-525-4647 or uucspoffice@gmail.com or leave a message on Rev. Maddie's private line: 805-525-4620. You can also email her at minister@uucsp.org.

Please send written joys, concerns or milestones which will be compiled and read during our Zoom service at 10:30 AM or you can add them with the CHAT function during the service on Sunday. Please limit your words to a few sentences. Send to minister@uucsp.org or msifantus@uuma.org

You can give to the Offertory with the donation button on our website: www.uucsp.org or mail your check to 740 E Main Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060. If you mail your check, please note in the Memo line if it is your pledge or a general donation. Another thing you might do is set up a monthly payment through your bank. If neither of those work for you, you can donate from the link on this page. Thank you to all of you who are continuing to support our beloved community during this time.