June 7, 2020

Service: Good, Bad and Indifferent with Rev. Maddie and Rev. Betty

Day and Time
Sunday Jun 7, 10:30 AM - Saturday Jun 27, 11:30 AM

Scottish writer Kenneth Graham wrote in the Wind in the Willows: “Good, bad, and indifferent - It takes all sorts to make a world.” How do we create goodness in this time when many are divided? What about the question of evil in our times? How can we Practice Inclusivity as state in our Mission? Join Rev. Maddie Sifantus with Rev. Dr. Betty Stapleford, along with Church Musician Vincent Sorisio, and a Time for All Ages with Yvette Sanchez as we explore the Touchstones theme of the month, Good and Evil. On Zoom and exported to our Facebook Live page at www.facebook.com/uucsp. The Zoom Room Meeting ID is 731 217 7775. To receive the Password, call the office at 805-525-4620. All welcome. Followed by Zoom coffee hour for those who wish to stay. First Sunday Plate to Friends of the Santa Clara River. Checks can be mailed to UUCSP, 740 E Main Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060 with Friends of the Santa Clara River in the Memo line. Pledges and donations can be sent to the same address.