Mary A Livermore Society presents Judy Triem

Day and Time
Thursday Jun 25, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PMDetails
The Mary As meet monthly on the fourth Thursday at 11:30 AM, usually at a local restaurant. During this time of COVID-19, the meeting takes place on Zoom at the church's usual Zoom meeting room with the usual password. Be in touch with the office at 805-525-4647 if you need the information. Judy Triem will share the talk she gave at the Rancho Camulos Museum wine tasting event over a year ago. Her interest in the origins of grape growing in Ventura County and most specifically at the Rancho Camulos Museum that houses a brick winery led her to research this topic. The title of her presentation is The Vineyards of Ventura County from Mission to Rancho and Beyond: 1782 to 1910. Rare images of early grape growing regions, Camulos winery and wine labels will be shown.