July 19, 2020

Service: Wisdom In Between with Rev. Kristen Rohm

Day and Time
Sunday Jul 19, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Our lives have changed since mid-March, and we’re not sure what the future holds. Let’s explore how we might orient ourselves, make meaning and find harmony in this liminal time between the old and the new normal. Rev. Kristen Rohm served as Interim Minister for UUCSP before Rev. Maddie. She then served SouthWest UU Church in Ohio for five years before returning to the sunshine of the south coast to work as Spiritual Care Counselor for Hospice of Santa Barbara. Ruth Ricards, Worship Host. Time for All Ages, Yvette Sanchez. Vincent Sorisio, Church Musician. Erik Halseth, Technical Support. Be in touch with the office for Zoom Meeting ID and password